Democracy, the foundation of American life, is on the line in 2024. We can’t overstate it – but we can do something about it. Take action with IndiMarin to take back the House by making calls for Rudy Salas every Saturday morning! Beginning in June, we will also make calls into battleground states for the presidency and the Senate. Talking with voters is critical, and phonebanking is one of the best ways to do that. We can reach large numbers of voters easily and it can be done from anywhere!

IndiMarin's phonebanking team has been working in major elections for six years. You can count on our phonebanks for a strong sense of community and small-group training with friendly mentors. People of all experience levels are welcome, and we will support you until you’re comfortable and ready to begin calling.


California is the critical path to regaining the House majority in 2024, so we will be calling voters in California toss-up districts every Saturday through Election Day on November 5th.

Join IndiMarin every Saturday to make calls for Rudy Salas in CA-22 from 9:30 to 11:30am PT/12:30 to 2:30pm ET. Born and raised in California’s Central Valley, Rudy is a fighter for its people - for higher wages, lower prescription costs, local healthcare facilities, and reproductive choice. We’re especially excited to announce that Rudy will come to our May 18th phonebank! Come hear him speak and answer your questions.



Attend IndiMarin’s “Introduction to Phonebanking” Event: May 23, 4:00 to 5:00pm PT/7:00 - 8:00pm ET. Whether you’re brand new to phonebanking or just want a refresher, we hope you’ll join us for our Introduction to Phonebanking. Most people are surprised by how easy phonebanking is and quickly discover they enjoy having meaningful conversations with voters. Come and learn how you can be a part of one of the most effective forms of voter outreach.


If you can’t make our Saturday morning phonebanks, or would just like additional calling opportunities, please consider working with our partners listed below.

Bay Area Coalition: BAC will be calling for California House races and calling into the swing states of Arizona and Nevada on Wednesdays from 5 to 7pm PT/8 to 10pm ET and Saturdays from 1 to 3pm PT. Sign up here.

Activate America: Make calls with Activate America on  Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 3 to 5pm PT/ 6 to 8pm ET. Sign up here to call for Reuben Gallego, in Arizona’s senate race, and sign up here to call infrequent voters to ensure Democrats turn out in support of Derek Tran (CA-45) and Dave Min (CA-47).

Our democracy hinges on turnout. Join us to engage and turn out our voters in 2024. If we do that, we win - the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. You can make a difference!