Happy New Year, IndiMarin Volunteers!

All of us on the leadership team at IndiMarin send our best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy and healthy new year! There's no group of people with whom we would rather spend time in this all-important year.

To paraphrase Betty Davis's famous line in the film, All About Eve, "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy year." And indeed it will. There will be highs and lows, anxiety and frustration, and perhaps even times of losing hope. But we must shun the fear-mongering reporting of the mainstream news outlets and instead follow the reporting and guidance of Substack authors like Simon Rosenberg and Robert Hubbell who, with evidence to back up their claims, assure us that we will be broadly victorious in November, IF, we do the work.

A reminder that Tuesday, January 9 at 5:30 PM PT is our 2024 Virtual Kickoff Meeting. We hope all of you will attend!  The theme of the meeting is, "Multiplying the Power of One" and it will be headlined by Robert Hubbell whose work since Trump was elected perfectly exemplifies that phrase.  Many of you may already be readers of Robert Hubbell's Substack blog. If you are not yet familiar with him, he describes himself in his Substack bio in just three words, “Citizen. Optimist. Realist.” 

His newsletter, which is now read daily by over 100,000 Americans, is also described simply: “A reflection on today’s news through the lens of hope." What started in February 2017 as a father and husband’s effort to provide hope and perspective to his family after the unexpected results of the 2016 election, has, via sharing between devoted readers, become a community of like-minded citizens devoted to preserving American democracy. His story is a true testament to multiplying the power of one.


Robert will share his story personally with the IndiMarin community which will perfectly set the stage for what we hope to inspire in all of our volunteers in 2024 - a personal commitment to each do what we can do, to take simple action steps, and to rely on the belief that our collective acts of one will bring about the crucial election wins for Democrats across the board in 2024. Our goal, as always, is a more just, caring and inclusive America with our democracy and freedoms intact and protected for future generations.

Following Robert’s talk, members of the IndiMarin Leadership team will outline concrete action steps in which we can all participate, with a focus on both new and continuing voter outreach programs for the first quarter of 2024. 

Also, please forward this newsletter to any of your friends you think might be interested in getting more involved in 2024. Our Kickoff Meeting will be a great introduction! We also encourage you to visit our Plus One webpage for tips and support on bringing your friends into the IndiMarin community!


Please come by Susan's house in Lucas Valley to pick up a car magnet or two. There will be a box in front of the left side gate. Just reply to this email if you are interested and would like the address.

In closing, we are so grateful for all the tremendous work and camaraderie our volunteers contributed to IndiMarin throughout 2023.  We look forward to more of the same, but "super-charged" in 2024. Our democracy is depending on us!

Again, wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy new year!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Laurie, Betsy, Andie, Nanda, Betty and Joy 💙