Phonebank to prevent the MAGA dafault!

Kevin McCarthy has allowed MAGA-Republicans like Matt Gaetz to take over the Republican party and control vital pieces of their platform and agenda. Now, we are facing the threat of defaulting on our debts for the first time in American history due to those same extremists holding our economy hostage.

Join Indivisible National for a phonebank into Unrepresentative districts this Wednesday, May 17 at 1pm ET/10 am PT.  The Unrepresentatives are the 18 Republican Members of Congress who represent districts that Biden won in 2020. They are uniquely vulnerable to persuasion from their constituents because they know that their re-election campaigns will sit on a razor’s edge of possibility.

This is where you come in! Time is tight, and we need everyone to take action in order to prevent a default that would hurt our seniors, our schools, our veterans, and our economy.

At this phonebank, you will be calling into Unrepresentative districts to talk to voters about how MAGA Republicans are trying to slash over 100,000 K-12 teachers’ jobs and cut healthcare for seniors and disabled children. At the end, we’ll connect them directly through to their Reps and encourage them to speak up to the people elected to represent them. We need to make sure that the voters in those districts are activated and loud, so their representatives know exactly what is going to happen if they choose to allow a default -- they will be voted out. 

We hope you will join Indivisible National this Wednesday May 17 at 1pm ET/10am PT for this phonebank into Unrepresentative districts.

And we'd love to hear from you afterwards about how it went. Please drop us a line at

Thanks for all you do for our country and our democracy!

~ The IndiMarin Phone Team - Amy, Betty, Susan, David, Jane M, Neal, Angela, Laurie, Betsy, Jane B, Anne, and Giselle