Calling all phonebankers! We need YOU to win in 2024!

Do you remember how you felt in 2016 as the election results rolled in, and it became clear that Donald Trump would be our next president? Many people talk about their regret - regret for not having done more to prevent it. Let’s not go down that road again!

Join Indivisible Marin’s Phone Team on April 13th, and every Saturday you are able from now until Election Day, as we make calls to preserve our democracy by taking back the House, holding the Senate, and re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. SIGN UP HERE.

In 2024, California is a battleground state for taking back the House with five very winnable toss-up races, the most of any state in the country. We’ll begin by making calls for Rudy Salas in his race to represent California’s 22nd Congressional District. Born and raised in California’s Central Valley, Rudy is a fighter for its people - for higher wages, lower prescription costs, local healthcare facilities, and reproductive choice. This will be a tight race; if we take action now, we can celebrate with Rudy at the finish line on November 5th!

Indivisible Marin is also one of the Democratic National Committee’s hubs for the Biden/Harris campaign, so in the weeks and months ahead, we’ll be adding opportunities to call for them - and likely Senate races as well.

Phonebanking is one of the best ways to engage large numbers of voters easily, and it can be done from the comfort of your own home! As always, you know you can count on IndiMarin’s phonebanks for a strong sense of community and small-group training with friendly mentors. People of all experience levels are welcome, and we will refresh your skills and support you until you’re comfortable and ready to begin calling. In these difficult times, we’re being called upon to serve our country. 

Our democracy hinges on voter turnout. If we turn out our voters, we’ll win. It’s as simple as that. Please join us to make calls, turn out our voters, and preserve our democracy in 2024! SIGN UP HERE.